Archives for category: Music

Hip Hop Mixtape! Listen here.

We’re going to see Paper Bird tonight at an intimate school house in a small mountain community.  I’m so excited for their music to fill this setting and this night.

The first of many mixtapes to come. Listen here.

Tune Yards new album Who Kill is awesome, thanks B! This video from her new album is equally awesome.

We saw Zion I and Grouch this weekend. This video is a great interview with them talking about their process.  It’s rare that you see live music that’s so right on you can’t stop moving with the beat until they’re done. In addition to carrying a flawless rhythm they leave you feeling inspired with their message.

I’m loving Pj Harvey’s new album

Let’s get together and feel alright. Check out Playing for Change for more love.

My friend recently turned me on to Sufjan Stevens. Until last night I wasn’t totally convinced that he and his band were out of this world amazing. We saw them live last night and it blew my mind! It felt like a wild and crazy dream that you don’t want to wake up from. The image from the above album art takes on a whole new meaning when you see the show.


Incredible! Las Migas, a divine four woman flamenco band from Barcelona, Spain. Found on BOOOOOOOM.